Friday, October 28, 2011

Lithium Lumps
  • atomic #: 3
  • atomic mass: 6.9
  • density: 0.535 g/cm^3
  • boiling point: 1342 degrees celsius
  • melting point: 180.54 degrees celsius
  • Lightest metal
  • easily floats on water

Iodine Plate of evaporating pellets  
  •  atomic #: 53
  • atomic mass: 126.9
  • density: 4.94 g/cm^3
  • boiling point: 184.3 degrees celsius
  • melting point: 113.7 degrees celsius
  • sublimates into a beautiful violet vapor when heated
  •  used as disinfectants before better antiseptic agents were found.

Oxygen Bowl of liquid oxygen
  • atomic #: 8
  • atomic mass: 16.0
  • density: 1.429 g/l
  • boiling point: -182.9 degrees celsius
  • melting point: -218.3 degrees celsius
  • At -183.0DegreeC oxygen is a beautiful pale blue liquid
  •  at room temperature it is a colorless gas.
  •  we all need if we want to live more than a few minutes longer.

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