Friday, October 28, 2011

Lithium Lumps
  • atomic #: 3
  • atomic mass: 6.9
  • density: 0.535 g/cm^3
  • boiling point: 1342 degrees celsius
  • melting point: 180.54 degrees celsius
  • Lightest metal
  • easily floats on water

Iodine Plate of evaporating pellets  
  •  atomic #: 53
  • atomic mass: 126.9
  • density: 4.94 g/cm^3
  • boiling point: 184.3 degrees celsius
  • melting point: 113.7 degrees celsius
  • sublimates into a beautiful violet vapor when heated
  •  used as disinfectants before better antiseptic agents were found.

Oxygen Bowl of liquid oxygen
  • atomic #: 8
  • atomic mass: 16.0
  • density: 1.429 g/l
  • boiling point: -182.9 degrees celsius
  • melting point: -218.3 degrees celsius
  • At -183.0DegreeC oxygen is a beautiful pale blue liquid
  •  at room temperature it is a colorless gas.
  •  we all need if we want to live more than a few minutes longer.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

**"NEON" **

You may wonder what makes neon signs so appealing and bright?!?! Well that comes from "fill" gases nsuch as Argon, Neon, and Helium. The process involves these gases being placed inside of a vacumed tube with electrodes on each end for electricity.This will help you get color and illumination. As far as the different colors go... Neon, when illuminated gives off a red color. Argon and helium are combined to make blue light. Argon and helium are put together for the amazing "glow" seen in fluorescent light. This is with the help of mercury also. And that is what goes into the attractive neon signs that you see on the streets!!